A Comic Con poll for you

After a very busy comic convention summer and as we approach the last few of the year, I am reflecting on how Crazy4ComicCon can best serve you. My desire is to make my site the most helpful as possible in your con journey. Whether it’s San Diego Comic-Con or one of the myriad of others around the nation, let me know why you attend your con by taking this simple poll. This will help me shape the kind of posts I write for the future. I know it’s hard to pick just one but try your best. Feel free to comment as well! Thanks for your time.

9 thoughts on “A Comic Con poll for you

  1. Hi, I’m hoping you can tell me how best to obtain SD comic con tickets for next year? I’ve never been and I want to go next year for all of the above on your poll.

    Thank you,

    • First thing to do is register for a Member ID on the Comic-Con website. You will then be notified by e-mail when the sale will be- typically a few days before hand. It sells out in microseconds so you have to submit right at the exact date/time. Best of luck!

  2. Definitely the art work and meeting the artists/writers, close second is buying and collecting comics though. I’m not big into the Hollywood scene of conventions really.

    • Yea, the tides have definitely changed. While it’s a pain, I’m glad there is more of a value for original content in programming. Thanks for voting!

  3. This is tough because it varies depending on the con. For many cons, there aren’t panels I’m interested in — it’s all the same “cosplay 101” or local celebrities that are always invited. For SDCC, however, I love the unique panels and top-notch offerings, but that’s only part of the reason I go. I also love cosplaying, meeting new people, and generally celebrating geekiness for half a week!

  4. I go for the escapism. I enjoy all of the items identified in your pill but just walking around, and looking at everything is when I enjoy myself the most.

  5. Very interesting results. Not surprised to see that so many people enjoy the panels, but isn’t it interesting that comic books rank so low at something that many of us still refer to as “comic book conventions.”

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