2013 Comic-Con Tip #7: What are Exclusives?


If you are new to Comic-Con or to con culture in general, one word you’ll be seeing more about is the word ‘Exclusives’. Typically only offered at larger Cons, Exclusives are toys and collectibles only offered at the show. Offered in limited amount, the Exclusives are the ‘brass ring’ for toy hobbiest and Con enthusiasts. For some, it’s kinda like bringing back a deer head to mount on your wall. For others, it’s like spoils of going to war in San Diego- a symbol of victory. Over the years, the amount and the quality of San Diego Comic-Con Exclusives has blown up at an exponential rate. Most are sanctioned through Comic-Con International, while others are just created independently and offered at the show.  Either way, all fans need to see is ‘Exclusive’ and they go crazy for them. Warning: Because the eBay ‘black market’ is also fueled by these gems, there is a limit to how much an attendee can buy, so don’t expect to walk out with an armful of any one item.

sdcc-2013-exclusive-02-boba-fett-star-warsSo how do I get one? Over the next few months, different Exclusives will leak out online from different companies like NECA, Entertainment Earth, Sideshow Collectibles to name a few. Twitter is the best place to hunt for them. There will be a lot of them. Once you target the object of your affection, you will need to make that the highest priority upon arrival at the show. Usually, a vender will have a limited amount of Exclusives for each day of the show. Your best bet is to line up early on Preview Night and race to the booth listed (on their website or program). Again, you can always try and get one off eBay at an inflated price. Final tips:

Happy hunting and I hope your toy collecting dreams come true this year at SDCC. Con vets, if you have a favorite Exclusive from the past, let us know about it by leaving a comment below.

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